Ways For Leaders To Deal With Decision Fatigue

Ways For Leaders To Deal With Decision Fatigue


Leaders deal with decision making on daily basis. What they decide has gravity on it so they cannot just decide so carelessly. However, making decision that has big impact to not only themselves but all the people involved and the future of business can take a toll on leaders regardless of how experienced they are. Not to mention that some decision may be more complex than others which cause another headache. 

Overcome decision fatigue for leaders

Many people say that it is one of the consequences that comes with being a leader. It is true but that doesn’t mean leaders should just accept it without knowing how to deal with it more healthily for themselves. And the effect of decision fatigue may impact to impulsive decision making which lead to disaster to their own mental well-being as well as to the business they run. If you are currently experiencing decision fatigue as a leader, here are some tips for you to deal with it:

Recognize the signs of decision fatigue

Recognizing when you are fatigue from making decision is possible. There are signs you can beware of such as wanting to make impulsive decision, procrastinating, refraining from choosing, etc. When you feel dreadful to make decision, it is the sign that you are fatigue. What you can do to deal with it is take a quick break, take a nap, or have a snack. Something as simple as those without urging you to make another decision for a while. 

Follow a routine

Deal your decision fatigue by creating habits and fixed schedules for everyday tasks. When you already have a fixed routine, you don’t have to waste energy or think hard to decide what to do. Simple example is about your morning schedule. If you follow a fixed schedule, you no longer have to think when to wake up, what to have for breakfast, etc. This at least lessen your burden  so you can spend your energy in bigger decision making.

Know what to prioritize then plan

Every decision has their own level of urgency and impact. You can choose which one first to decide based on the level of priority. Hence, you don’t have to waste your energy on less important things. Choose bigger decision making time when your willpower is at its peak such as in the morning when you are still fresh and light. Hence, you can avoid making impulsive decision because of exhaustion or fatigue. 

Take consistent, active measure

Decision fatigue can impact negatively not only to the decision maker but also to everyone involved. Hence, it is something that needs to be prevented and dealt with effectively. The most important key is to take consistent, active measure to preserve your mental energy. Do not waste it on something unimportant because then you will drain it before the more important matters need to be handled. Know when to take a break when you feel the decision fatigue is getting harder to deal with.

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